Author: Filinvest Development Corporation
FDC 1Q2014 Revenues at Php9B
Top line growth of most subsidiaries remained strong, led by the real estate business, which includes listed subsidiary Filinvest Land, Inc. (FLI) and Filinvest City developer
Filinvest Alabang…
FDC’s revenues reach Php35B
Top line growth was driven by both its real estate operations, largely composed of subsidiaries Filinvest Land, Inc. (FLI) and Filinvest Alabang, Inc., as well as its financial and banking services…
FDC Gets SEC Approval for Php 7 Billion Fixed Rate Bonds
FDC is offering the fixed-rate retail bonds with a term of ten years. The bonds will be issued in minimum denominations of Php50,000 each, and in integral multiples of Php10,000 thereafter. The bonds…
FDC Issuing Php 10 Billion Worth of Bonds
A significant share of growth came from EWB which reported a 28% increase in net income yearon-year, before eliminating entries. Net interest income increased by 41% to Php6.1 Billion, the…
FDC’s net income rose 26 percent in 3Q 2013
Top line performance was largely driven by its listed subsidiaries, East-West Bank (EWB) and Filin vest Land, Inc. (FLI) which contributed 87% of total revenues, or 44% and 43% respectively. Sugar…
Press Release: East West Bank Looks Back on a Great Year and Looks Forward to a Greater One
Last year, the bank made great strides in its core businesses which exhibited healthy growth. Unaudited figures as of December 2011 show that bank deposits grew by 16.9% year-on-year while corporate…
Press Release: East West Bank Strong Registers Strong Performance in First Ten Months of 2011
Net Interest Income went up by P404 Million or 11.4% to P3.9 Billion for October 2011 as the Bank continued its gains in its lending businesses and management of its cost of funds….
Eastwest Bank acquires Green Bank; Gets Green Light from BSP
“We intend to create synergies in the branch channel by finding areas of cooperation between the two banks within the regulatory framework. We think that over time, it will be optimal to integrate…
Press Release: EastWest Bank Post 1H 2011 Net Income of P884M
Total consumer loans (loans to individuals) for the period reached P 21.8 Billion, increasing by a hefty 13.7% against 2010’s P19.2 Billion on account of strong performances of the…